2 May 2013

Pigeon House Fort, Ringsend, Dublin

Pigeon House Fort, Ringsend, Dublin
Top photograph by E.Timoney, April 2010, second photograph and information provided by A. Giacometti, June 2009, third by M. Coffey, April 2013 and final two by E. Timoney in March 2021.

This Handball Alley is in the Pigeon House Fort, Ringsend, Dublin 4. It is in good condition, if slightly overgrown, and is very large, perhaps measuring 10m by 20m in size.The handball alley was constructed by the British when the site was in use as a military barracks between 1798 and 1897, probably, although it is possible that it was constructed later when Dublin Corporation bought the land for use as a sewerage treatment works.


Anonymous said...

is this alley being used? how do you access it?

Anonymous said...

Pigeon House Fort, This was my Aunt & Uncles home for many years along with my cousins.

Adam Smith said...

The original beginning of the popular game of basketball has always been open to debate. Possibly missionaries in China invented it or the game could have just evolved from other ball orientated games. In the late 19th Century basketball had many similarities to team handball.

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