9 August 2008

Talbot's Inch, Kilkenny

Talbots Inch, Kilkenny
Built by local Patron Lady Dysert in 1928 across road from 1906/07 workers' houses built around a village green circa 1906/07. This alley was the home alley of two renowned players, J. J. Gilmartin and Michael Ducksie Walsh
The newspaper clipping with photogaph of the opening of the alley was provided by C. Neary via E. Timoney


Anonymous said...

This was the home alley of the mighty John Joe Gilmartin who was an outstanding hardball player. He was also good at softball and was the first player to win all four senior All-Ireland titles. John Ryan of Wexford was the only other player to achieve this honour when he won all four titles in 1957.

Anonymous said...

Ducksie, RIP. Lots of love.....

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