12 August 2008

Carrick On Bannow, Wexford

Carrick On Bannow, Wexford
Photographed March 2009, by S.Ryan This alley is included on National Inventory of Architectural Heritage

Information from HERITAGE WEEK postcard
This alley dates to pre 1880s. A new floor was added in early 90s.

Height of Main Wall: 15'
Lenght of alley: 45'
Width of alley: 30'

Handball last played in alley in early 1990s


Anonymous said...

Carrick on Bannow Handball Alley dates back to the 1880's. It was a very popular sport with many outstanding players. The floor was mud with three hopping stones set into the mud. Players played 3aside and for 15aces. The ball was made from cork and half-tanned horse hide. Games were played on funeral days.
The soft ball was introduced in 1900s and games were organised.
In the 1980's local men got the Alley plastered.

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